
Friday, September 30, 2011

Simple K12

I subscribed to Simple K12 some time ago.  Have you ever checked it out?  It really is a great resource!  I think my favorite part about it is the professional development via webinars I can access "from home in my PJs".  It'd be nice if we could be that comfie at school. 

October is filled with some great webinar topics that could enhance your use of technology.  I think I'll be checking out the 3 Keys to Having a Successful Blog. 

There are some fee based portions of this website but you can get a lot of mileage out of their free webinars.  It's definitely one of the places I frequent to find out about the latest, greatest, newest thing for tech in the classroom.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Teacher Town Hall

Last year was the first Education Nation Teacher Town Hall.  It is hosted by Brian Williams of NBC News.  This year I have been chosen to attend the event live in New York City's Rockefeller Plaza.  You can imagine my excitement!!  In watching the archives from last year, I started wondering what I might say to the nation if I am given the microphone.  I would love to hear from other educators here.  Leave your comments below and I might just get the chance to speak up for teachers.

You can also sign up to participate in the Teacher Town Hall online.  Check it out and register here.

After you leave a comment, head on over to my TpT store to check out this limited time freebie.  I'm developing a series called Scrap Paper Test Strategies.  This 1st one is a chart that assists students with recalling facts about polygons.  Get it quick because it won't be free for long.