
Friday, November 18, 2011

Polar Bears International Webcast

I sure wish I had thought to post this sooner.  Edmodo and Polar Bears International teamed up this week on a series of webcasts from the sub-arctic. Participating in a live webcast with real scientists is a great way to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).  If your classes study animals, habitats, ecosystems, climate, or human impact on the planet these webcasts are a great resource.  Although they have already taken place, the archives can be found on their website. Tundra Connections Archive  They also have a really great game that can be played to reinforce the challenges facing the Polar Bears in the Hudson Bay/Churchill area.  It is called Polar Bear Trek.

If you missed the live webcasts and want to participate live, mark your calendar for next fall right about this same time.  This is an annual event. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Election Day

Since tomorrow is Election Day across the USA, I thought I would share some great resources you might want to use in your classroom.
Kids Voting - Your students can log in and vote online.
The Democracy Project - a bit outdated ('08) but great info.
Props for a Voting Event - make your own voting booth, buttons, etc.

Of course I found a few on TpT.  Some free, some not.  None of them are mine but don't let that stop you from checking them out!

Political Party Voting - election locker decoration
Election Voting Letter
Election Vocabulary Games
Election Category Game

You can search through 150+ other activities here...