
Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Mathematics - Learning with a Lemonade Stand

One of my all time favorite online simulations is the lemonade stand game.  Just about everyone starts thinking about lemonade in the spring.  This game lends itself to some easy integration of mathematics and technology. With a little planning, you can create an excel spreadsheet that students can use to track their progress through the game. If you want to know how to do this with your students and get a free copy of the directions for creating the spreadsheet, keep reading.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Jackpot - May 6th

Oh Man!  If you just found this post for the 1st time, you really missed out.

The teacher appreciation jackpot has ended. 

This was a 1 day only event. 

Fortunately, TpT is throwing a big Teacher Appreciation Sale too!  You can still get a great deal as long as you make your purchases before midnight PST on May 8th.  Don't forget to use the promo code TAD12 when you check out.

 You may want to check out the participants and consider hopping to their blogs on too.  Even though the jackpot is over, many of these bloggers have placed their store on sale until the 8th.

            PK - Grade 2 - April McNair on A Modern Teacher
·         Grades 3 - 6 - Laura Candler  on Corkboard Connections
·         Grades 7 - 12 - Adrianne Meldrum on The Tutor House

On May 6th, I gave away my

Even though it is no longer free, it is on sale.  Everyone who got their copy has been raving about it.  If this is a topic you teach, it is a great deal.  Hurry and get it while it is on sale. While you're at it, take a look around and see if there is anything else you need from my store since everything is marked down a total of 28% until May 8th at midnight PST. 

Thanks for all you do to ensure a bright future for the students of today!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Teachers - Thanks for All You Do!

Some of you may or may not know that I am one of the administrators of the Tchr2Tchr blog.
Our goal is to help share things that work in classrooms and highlight the teacher authors who publish materials on Teachers Pay Teachers.
In conjunction with the Teacher Appreciation Jackpot blog hop and Teacher Appreciation sale on TpT, we have created a link up for all the teacher authors who are offering deep discounts on their products from May 6th-8th.

In case you don't follow the Tchr2Tchr blog, I decided to post the link up here too so that you could get easy access to some of the best of the best.

I hope everyone feels the love and knows how much your contributions to education are appreciated!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Computers Can Be So Much More

Guest post by Heidi Raki

Often I come across teachers who use their computers as video game systems and televisions.  They only allow students on them to practice games and watch videos.  While both of these are valid ways to use computers - computers are so much more!

1.)  Computers are interactive.  Use blogs and wikkis to allow for interaction on your computer.  Post a daily question to your blog and allow students to answer it during their computer center.  Use a sight like to let students add questions they have about a topic during their computer center.  There are so many ways to have interactive computer centers! 

2.)  Computers are creative.  Students can create so much using a computer.  Students can use computers to make: drawings, writings, graphs, interactive displays, brochures, posters, etc.   There's no age level on when creation can begin either, I have taught students all the way down to Kindergarten to create Powerpoints.

3.)  Computers hold amazing information.  With the internet these days, you can find information on just about anything.  Let your students use kid friendly search engines like or bookmarked sites to find information on topics you are studying in science, social studies, or even math!  Students can use this information to complete tables or answer questions - like in this FREE Internet Scavenger Hunt on Geographical Features of the USA -

4.) Computers allow us to connect.  Using e-mail and skype, my class has connected with a class on another continent this year!  Set up e-pals or partner classrooms and allow students to use the computer to see a whole new world!

I'd like to thank Heidi Raki for guest blogging on Technology Thursday.  You can find more from Heidi by checking out these links.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ANNOUNCING the Teacher Appreciation Jackpot!

Teacher Appreciation Week is coming, and Sunday, May 6th is your lucky day! I'm excited to announce the very first Teacher Appreciation Jackpot, an amazing "blog hop" event involving over 130 bloggers!

We wanted to show our appreciation for you in a BIG way, so we've all agreed to give away one of our TeachersPayTeachers products for free on that day! Each free gift will be valued at between $3 and $8. That brings the total jackpot amount to more than $500! On Saturday, May 5th, we will share the "actual cash value."

Because this is such a huge event with so many bloggers, it is being divided into three grade level groups. Each of those smaller events is being coordinated by one blogger as shown below:
·         PK - Grade 2 - April McNair on A Modern Teacher
·         Grades 3 - 6 - Laura Candler  on Corkboard Connections
·         Grades 7 - 12 - Adrianne Meldrum on The Tutor House

I wish I could tell you more, but I can't share any more details just yet. Just be sure to check back each day this week to see the events unfold! Keep an eye out for more posts from your favorite bloggers, many of whom I'll bet have joined in to show how Teachers Appreciate Teachers!

While you're waiting, why not take a look at the items in my 
TeachersPayTeachers store and let me know which item you would like as your free gift? Keep in mind that the free item will be valued between $3 and $8. You can stop by my facebook page and vote for your favorite in my poll. I'm not making any promises, but I'd love to see what interests you!

Thanks so much for all you do! We appreciate your commitment to your students and your dedication as an educator!