
Saturday, January 13, 2018

Spark Debate and Encourage Student Response to Real News

"Fake News" has continued to grow as a real issue and upper elementary is a great place to start some debate but where should you look for the "real news" and how can you share it easily with students in a format that will encourage open and polite debate? This blog post will address all of that!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Podcast Episode 3 Cross-post

Hey there! I don't usually share this but I'm starting to rethink the things that I share and how I share them. So here goes nothing.  This is a cross-post. Not sure when or where I embraced the mentality that cross-posting was less desirable. I'm giving that some serious reconsideration during 2018. Like many people, I maintain more than one presence on the Internet. Some are personal and some are professional. Today I want to let everyone who follows my professional presence here as the TechedOutTeacher aware of a podcast series that I have just recently begun.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year, New Ideas

2018 is here! I have to be honest, I knew that while I worked on my doctorate I was falling behind with my claim as the "Teched Out Teacher". Sure I have access to a lot of techie devices but there are so many things that I could be taking advantage of. There are so many tools, add-ons, widgets, apps, and the like. Even if I hadn't been consumed with scholarly reading and research, I have a feeling that I might not have been able to keep up with all the latest and greatest techie tools.