
Monday, January 10, 2011

5 E's - Electricity It's Elementary Unit Plan

As promised, I have completed my most recent unit and placed it for sale on
This 16 page unit includes a teacher guide, simple solutions for classrooms with little or no science equipment, a cover page for student journals, and much more.

I'm looking for more followers on my blog.  The next 10 followers will get my unit completely FREE!  That's a savings of $6.00

Take a look at the unit HERE and then Follow Me to get it FOR FREE!

1 comment:

  1. Something about this just doesn't seem fair to my existing followers. So if you are one of my 10 original followers and you want this unit... All you have to do is post a link to my unit on your Facebook page or share it on your blog. Then send me an email letting me know so I can reply with the unit attached.
