
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Boot Camp with Steve Spangler

You may have seen a recent post about the $50 gift certificates I gave 4 beginning teachers for Steve Spangler materials.  Surprising these teachers with the chance to start their teaching career with some great science resources was a highlight of my summer! As we head into the school year I have great news for you...

If you teach science in North Carolina or any neighboring state, you do NOT want to miss this!  Steve Spangler is holding a Science Boot Camp in Greensboro, NC on October 3, 2012.  If you don't know who he is, check out some of his videos on the  Sick Science Youtube Channel. Steve is an outstanding teacher of teachers. He will definitely get you energized about teaching science.

In July 2011, I was fortunate to attend Steve's 3 day Science in the Rockies event.
If you want to know what you can expect from a day with Steve,  read my blog posts.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

As soon as I found out Steve was coming to NC, I registered.  What a deal! A day with Steve for $199. How about a better deal?  That's right... let's all take $30 off the registration.  Just use this code when you register: BC20135  Don't wait too long. Steve's workshops fill up quickly!  Ready to find out more or register?  Click here! If you're planning to go, I'd love to meet up with you there.  Leave me a comment and we'll try to arrange a meet up the night before or something.

1 comment:

  1. I love Steve Spangler and his catalog is one of my favs!! I am hoping he has a bootcamp in the Northeast at some time, I would love to attend. I'm your newest follower!
    Science for Kids Blog
