
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Touch it Learn it

Everyone has their own personal preferences for learning, but it certainly seems that learning by touching is highly effective.  Kinesthetic learners learn through movement.  Touch fits into this category.  If you have technology that is touch sensitive, you are in a position to engage students in their learning kinesthetically.  All too often the Smart Board is becoming nothing more than a very expensive projector screen. I am seeing lessons pop up all over the web that claim to offer interactivity for students when they are nothing more than a powerpoint slide show.  Just because it is being projected on a Smart Board does not mean the students are interacting with it in some new way.  In fact, they are often sitting in their seats watching text and pictures fly in and out while they take notes on a sheet of paper.  Is that really interactive?
I think not.  That is why I am developing a series of Touch it Learn it Interactive Mini-lessons for the Smart Board.  These lessons have elements built in that engage students in touching objects on the board and moving them around as they develop understanding of a topic.  The first one is complete and is being offered free on Teachers Pay Teachers.  In order to meet the typical requirements of having some type of student work to show for their learning, I have also included a Venn Diagram file to go with it.  The topic of this first mini-lesson is Bodies of Water.  Students will be able to identify bodies of water as either freshwater or saltwater. I hope you and your students will benefit from my mini-lessons.  There are many more coming soon.  If you haven't already subscribed to my blog, my facebook page, or my store please do that so you won't miss out when I add more of the Touch it Learn it Mini-lessons.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I agree so much about SMARTBoards not being used in an interactive way with students. I appreciate your efforts to share interactive SMART lessons. Thanks for sharing!

