
Saturday, March 10, 2012

7 Things About Me

I don't know how I missed it but back in September I was given a Versatile Blogger award by Life in Special Education. Her blog has lots of great ideas, so check it out even if you aren't a special ed. teacher!

Here's the deal.  I get to tell you 7 things about me and choose 15 newly discovered blogs to pass this award on to.  Here we go.

1.  My husband and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage this summer.  We have 4 wonderful children, a dog, and a bunny.  We're both in the education profession and love the fact that our schedules coincide nicely for vacations and family time.

2. My favorite beverage is an ice cold Mountain Dew.

3. I've had the opportunity to travel to a number of places for educational conferences and training. Over the past 14 years I've been to Sacramento, Milwaukee, Tampa Bay, Boston, Salt Lake City, Denver, Washington D.C., and New York City.  We live in NC, so I've been to Raleigh and Greensboro numerous times.

4. My 1st computer class was in 7th grade and we used command lines in DOS to play adventure games.  Anyone else remember those?  (i.e. "Walk five steps north.")

5.  I took the PASCAL programming language in college to avoid an upper level math/science requirement.

6. My first experience using a graphics tablet was in 1990.  Our computers in education college class tutored students located an hour away using Apple computers and graphics tablets.  We had a dial-up connection, took a still image shot with a webcam, and drew on the tablet to illustrate math problems as we assisted with homework.  I knew right then that this was the direction education was headed in.

7. My favorite vacation spot is beachside.  I love the feeling of the sand under my feet and the ocean breeze on my face.  Digging for seashells, waves splashing, building sandcastles... relaxation!

There you have it ... 7 things you probably didn't know about me.  Now, time to pass this award on to some other great looking blogs.

1. Mrs. Johnson's First Grade

2. Science Stuff by Amy

3. Shepherd's Shining Stars

4. Life in 4B

5. Miss Third Grade

6. Teaching Like Its 2999

7. Teaching Happily Ever After

8. Create Teach Share

9. T*E*C*H Time With Mrs. V.

10. DoodleBugs Teaching

11. Yearn to Learn

12. Tales of Frogs & Cupcakes

13. Ask a Tech Teacher

14. Technology Rocks Seriously

15. Teacher Gone Digital


  1. Thank you so much for the great shout out. I really appreciate it!
    Amy (aka Science Stuff)

  2. Thank you for thinking of me for this award! You are sweet!

    Mrs Johnson's First Grade
