
Friday, April 13, 2012

A Very Lovely Blog

I don't usually think of my blog as being lovely.  I just want it to serve a purpose and be a place for sharing some cool things I find and create. Even so,  Kimberly Collingwood at Science, Etc. has identified this little blog as "A Very Lovely Blog".

What a "lovely" surprise that was!

Here are the rules for this award:
1.  Link back to the person who gave it to you.
2.  Follow the person that sent it to you.
3.  Pass it along to 15 (ish) other lovely bloggers.

Here are some of my favorite blogs.  Check them out!

Teaching and Learning Community

The Teacher Organizer


Teacher Gone Digital

The Best of Teachers Pay Teachers

Science Stuff

Clutter Free Classroom

Rockin' Teacher Materials

Mr. G's Creative Classroom Resources

Kindergarten Monkey Business

Me and My Gang

Classroom Freebies

Doodlebugs Teaching

Peace Love Learning

Teaching Happily Ever After


  1. Thanks for recognizing my blog.....I really appreciate it!

  2. Thank you for the award! That's so sweet of you! Now if I can just make more time for more posts, then it might be even more lovely! =P

    Mel @ Plug-n-Plan
