
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Going Buggy

I got this email today and thought there might be some of my followers who would want to know about it.  If you teach insects, check into this.  I know I plan on checking it out!


I wanted to clue everyone in on an opportunity that I don't think many people know about. The Entomological Foundation is a non-profit that does insect education and outreach programs for K-12 students. Their website hosts some educational materials like lesson plans and activities for students. These "science projects" that teachers can do with their students are submitted by educators on an annual contest. Winners (there are always 5-10) each receive $100! I really feel that insect education is fascinating and holds great appeal to many students, but that many times insect biology gets shuffled to the back.  I know many of you have great insect activities that could be shared! Also, the foundation website is a good resource even if you don't participate. 

Details for the competition can be found at: 

Examples of winning projects can be found at: 

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